The Duke of the Wicked that is Violent J and Wakko Exotics has recently revealed “Air Headz From Outerspace” their own strain of Marijuana nugs that will serve as the official smoke for the 23rd annual Gathering of the Juggalos in Legend Valley, Ohio! We aren’t sure on the potency level or if its sativa/indica. But we’re sure this “Pass To You” product from Violent J and Wakko The Kidd will get you stoned out of the moons orbit! Hit up Wakko Exotics via Telegram for more info here:
From Violent J Across Social Media:
“Out now ninjas! The Duke & Wakko The Kidd proudly pass to you…. the mu fuggin real, wig flippin, mind rippin’ thunder whippin’ smiz to put you under and over the milky way on a comic blunt board… click the link to alter your think now- or grab you a lil somthin at the GOTJ ….VJ. “

from Faygoluvers
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