We got hit up by a Juggalo Gathering fan favorite about a contest he’s a part of. Dylan “Nebraska Warrior” Leafty has made it to the next round of a contest called Legendary Dad Bod. This means he’s in the TOP 15, and now he can REALLY use our help Juggalos!
The good news is that you can vote daily for FREE! If you really want to increase his odds, you can throw in $1.00/vote. The winner of the contest will get $25,000 plus a 2 page ad in Men’s Journal.
This is a HUGE opportunity, and Nebraska Warrior has provided some crazy entertainment to Gathering attendees in recent years, so show this ninja some love and get your votin’ on!
Vote and share the shit outta this link: Dyllon | Legendary Dad Bod
You’ve got a little over 4 days so don’t sleep and vote daily!
from Faygoluvers
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