This weekend in Austin, Texas, the United States of Insanity documentary will make it’s world premiere! The debut showing is unfortunately already sold the fuck out! Don’t sweat it though…if you don’t see it in Austin, it will be showing in HUNDREDS of theaters across the nation!
I’ve had the privilege of seeing this multiple times through every inception of it, and I can tell you that it does NOT disappoint, and does a great job telling our side of the story concerning the FBI and the gang designation. Make sure you catch it in theaters while you can!
If you missed the link for that in my previous post, check that out here:
The United States of Insanity | Fathom Events
Several media outlets have already picked up on this release, and we’ll go through a few excerpts and give you links below.
Strike Back Studioshas acquired U.S. distribution rights toThe United States of Insanity, directed by Tom Putnam & Brenna Sanchez. The deal for the documentary, about the rap groupInsane Clown Posseand its die-hard fans — known as Juggalos — fighting back against the fans being classified as a gang organization by the FBI a decade ago, comes as the feature is readying for its world premiere at Fantastic Fest.
Directed by Directed by Tom Putnam & Brenna Sanchez (Burn), the film centers on Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, the rappers who make up “the World’s Most Hated Band,” who find themselves as unwitting warriors for the First Amendment. With the help of the ACLU, which filed a federal lawsuit against the FBI, the band fights to uncover the reasons behind the designation and to be removed from the gang list as their fans begin losing their jobs, have their children put into protective custody and face jail time — all because of their musical tastes. Read More
Insane Clown Posse fans, aka Juggalos, were called a “loosely organized hybrid gang” by the FBI in a 2011 Gang Task Report Listing, something which has had real consequences for many of them, from losing jobs and being barred from school grounds to losing custody of children. In 2017, they marched on Washington, DC in 2017 to protest the designation, and later that year, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled against ICP and Juggalos on the matter. The ongoing legal battle is documented in a new film, The United States of Insanity, directed by Tom Putnam and Brenna Sanchez. Its world premiere happens on September 28 at Fantastic Fest, and on October 26, it’s headed to theaters. There’s a new trailer for the film, which you can watch below.
“Our goal is to put the audience through our own paces of discovery during the seven years we filmed with ICP, their fans, their lawyers and the government agencies pursuing them,” Putnam says. “ICP’s extensive archive of music videos, home movies, documentaries and feature films are layered throughout our movie as well, helping us paint a unique story of two high school dropouts achieved their own American dream while bringing people along for the ride.” Read More
Strike Back Studios has just released the trailer and poster for the upcoming documentary, The United States of Insanity. Following the infamous rap group Insane Clown Posse, the film chronicles the unlikely First Amendment battle that played out after the group and its fans were classified as a gang organization by the FBI.
The trailer lays out the stakes in no uncertain terms. “If the government can target a group of people based on their musical tastes, they can target a group of people based on any reason at all,” explains Michael Steinberg, the legal director of the ACLU of Michigan, who filed suit with the group against the FBI in 2014. Directed by Tom Putnam and Brenna Sanchez, the documentarians behind 2012’s acclaimed Burn, the film examines the fallout of the FBI’s classification, and the legal battle it kicked off. Read More
Strike Back Studios has released the trailer forThe United States of Insanity, a documentary about notorious rap duoInsane Clown Posseand their fight against the FBI. Watch it below.
Directed by Tom Putnam and Brenna Sanchez, the film chronicles Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope’s efforts to advocate for their loyal fans, known as Juggalos, after they were classified as a “loosely organized hybrid gang” by the FBI a decade ago. The American Civil Liberties Union even backed their battle, which included afederal lawsuitand a2017 marchon Washington, DC.
In late December 2017, the 6th US Circuit Court of Appealsdealt a major blowwhile ruling that the Juggalos failed to show that the FBI’s designation had resulted in legal consequences. Several months later, the FBI finallydeclassified their 2011 report. Read More
“The World’s Most Hated Band” was once America’s Most-Wanted — and now Detroit’s own Insane Clown Posse is sharing its side of the story.
A new documentary titled The United States of Insanity just landed a distribution deal by Strike Back Studios, and will premier at Fantastic Fest on Sep. 28. The film explores ICP’s Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J’s fight to defend their fans, the Juggalos, in the wake of the FBI classifying the group as “a loosely organized hybrid gang.”
Did the FBI place the entire ICP fanbase on a government watchlist all for … having bad taste in music?
“We made USA Today’s ‘worst album of the year,’ GQ’s ‘worst artist of all time,” ICP’s Violent J says in the trailer. “We embrace the hate. People hate what they can’t understand. If this happened to a band America liked, the country would be up in arms about this.” Read More
The Insane Clown Posse’s fight against the FBI is detailed in a new film, “The United States of Insanity.”
A trailer for the documentary debuted online on Thursday. The film is due to premiere at next week’s Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas ahead of a theatrical release on Oct. 26.
The film is directed by Tom Putnam and Brenna Sanchez, the team behind 2012’s “Burn,” which looked at firefighters in Detroit.
The doc centers on ICP’s 2014 lawsuit against the FBI, which had designated the Detroit rap group’s fans, known as Juggalos, as a gang in documents in 2011.
ICP staged a march on Washington, D.C. rallying against the designation in 2017. Read More
The documentary will follow the rap group as they fight against their 2011 designation as a “hybrid gang”
Insane Clown Posseare up against the FBI in the new trailer forThe United States of Insanity, the upcoming documentary from Strike Back Studios that explores the group’s classification as a “loosely organized hybrid gang” by the FBI a decade ago.
The documentary will arrive in theatres on October 26 after debuting atFantastic Feston September 28. It follows Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope as they advocate on behalf of fans and themselves. It’ll also feature never-before-seen footage of ICP in concert. Read More
Strike Back Studios has just released the trailer and poster for the upcoming documentary,The United States of Insanity. Following the infamous rap group Insane Clown Posse, the film chronicles the unlikely First Amendment battle that played out after the group and its fans were classified as a gang organization by the FBI.
The trailer lays out the stakes in no uncertain terms. “If the government can target a group of people based on their musical tastes, they can target a group of people based on any reason at all,” explains Michael Steinberg, the legal director of the ACLU of Michigan, who filed suit with the group against the FBI in 2014. Directed by Tom Putnam and Brenna Sanchez, the documentarians behind 2012’s acclaimedBurn, the film examines the fallout of the FBI’s classification, and the legal battle it kicked off. Read More
On the eve of its World Premiere at genre festival Fantastic Fest, Strike Back Studios has acquired US distribution rights to THE UNITED STATES OF INSANITY, the outrageous first amendment rights documentary featuring Insane Clown Posse’s Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, and their one million die-hard fans (called Juggalos) that were classified as a gang organization by the FBI. Directed by Tom Putnam & Brenna Sanchez, the award-winning filmmakers behind the hit documentary “Burn,” and produced through their company TBVE Films and with Public House Films in association with Hideout Pictures and Realization Films.
I personally have always been a fan of ICP since I was introduced to them as a sophomore in high school, they helped this outcast out a ton. Making me feel welcomed in the world of juggalo’s.
The film will have its World Premiere at Fantastic Fest in Austin on September 28 at 6:30pm at the South Lamar Alamo Drafthouse. This will be followed by Strike Back Studios partnering with Fathom Events for an exclusive nationwide premiere in theaters on October 26. This exclusive one-night premiere event will also include a 20-minute, never-before-seen Insane Clown Posse concert footage. Read More
The FBI classified Insane Clown Posse as a “loosely organized hybrid gang” in 2011. Three years later in 2014, Insane Clown Posse and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan sued the FBI with the intent of having the group removed from the National Gang Intelligence Center list. As of 2018, Insane Clown Posse has not been successful.
A new documentary titledUnited States of Insanityis telling the group’s story, and how the designation of being a “gang” has negatively impacted fans. The documentary was created by Strike Back Studios and is in theaters on October 26. Read More
The first trailer for the new documentaryThe United States of Insanityhas been released.
Directed by Tom Putnam & Brenna Sanchez,The United States of Insanitychronicles the struggle of the Insane Clown Posse and Juggalos to not be classified as a gang by the FBI.
The United States of Insanitywill make its debut atFantastic Festin Austin, TX on September 28. Strike Back Studios and Fathom Events will then team for nationwide theatrical screenings, with bonus ICP concert footage, on October 26. Read More
You can watch the full 2 minute trailer here:
Again, for tickets to the October 26th showings click this link: The United States of Insanity | Fathom Events
from Faygoluvers
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