Astronomicon Presents: Net Fest On Your Couch! [Live Virtual Twiztid and Blaze Concert!]

Our homies at Majik Ninja Entertainment have announced that there will be a LIVE concert happening on Saturday, May 30th!  They are deeming it Net Fest On Your Couch, and you can attend this concert virtually for absolutely FREE!

You’ll see performances by both Blaze and Twiztid, as well as some unannounced special guests!

Where will this concert take place?  At the Dojo?  Will Monoxide, Madrox and Blaze all be in the same room?  If so, will they social distance and stay 6 feet apart from each other?  Will Jason and Michael Myers make a Zoom call to be a part of the concert?

We’ll find out all of those answers, and start our own virtual mosh pit on Saturday, May 30th!  We’ll bring you more details as soon as they’re announced, but mark your calendars for that night, which is just under 3 weeks away!

Click to enlarge!

from Faygoluvers


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