It was just a few months ago that I got jealous of all of the ninjas who were able to make it to Farmington Hills, Michigan for the Psychopathic Records warehouse sale that took place late last year. Ninjas got deals left and right, and everyone who could make it there seemed to have left happy.
Fast-forward 6 months later and Psychopathic has announced that due to high demand, they’ll be having another sale just like this on Saturday, May 22nd from Noon – 8 PM!
Even though the Psychopathic Records HQ office has been sold, they still apparently have access to it because they will be holding the sale there!
They promise one of a kind items, CDs, DVDs, T-shirts, Hoodies, Jerseys, and lots more! Check the flyer for all the details and make sure you don’t miss out!
from Faygoluvers
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