Juggalo March Interviews on the Howard Stern Show [Listen Here!]

Just over Four Months since the Juggalo March descended on Washington, DC, the Howard Stern Show finally played their coverage from it.  Roaming Stern show reporter Wolfie interviewed a TON of Juggalos, myself included, while he was there for several hours.

On the show this morning, they unfortunately only played interviews and clips from a handful of people.  Of course, Juggalos were the butt of every joke, but if you follow Howard at all, you’d know that it was to be expected.  They claimed that only about 1,000 Juggalos showed up,

The nearly 20 minutes of audio features clips from Rachel Paul on a megaphone, “Butthole” Ben, a ninja named McWicked, Violent J‘s infamous “sew your butthole” speech, a recollection of the Gathering porta-potty chug, and so much more!  Check out the full segment below:

    If you want to check the audio via YouTube, you can hear that below (starting at the 31:24 mark):

    What do you think about how the Stern show portrays Juggalos?

    from Faygoluvers

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